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The Top Foods To Eat To Clear Out Your Arteries, Fight Cancer & Heal The Body | Dr. William Li

1 Views· 01/26/25

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Each bite of food we eat has the potential to modulate our genetics and impact every cell of the body—don’t you want those levers to be moving in the right direction? Eating for health is one thing, but eating to beat disease is an even more intentional step toward prevention and longevity. I was so excited to sit down with internationally renowned physician, scientist, and author Dr. William Li to discuss how we can leverage food to optimize every system of the body.

We dig into:

How Dr. Li got interested in “Food As Medicine” while developing cancer treatments

Why eating to beat disease is not the same as eating for health

What food would Dr. Li bring with him if he was going to be stuck on an island?

One thing Dr. Li knows everyone needs to do better

Is dairy good or bad?

What’s the deal with soy?

The 5 defense systems to support optimal health and Dr. Li’s 5 x 5 x 5 plan

We talk about this and so much more. I know you’ll love this conversation as much as I did!

This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, BIOptimizers, Timeline Nutrition, and Momentous.

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