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Learn Kotlin in 12 Minutes

2 ViewsĀ· 02/06/25

Learn the fundamentals of the Kotlin programming language. Kotlin has exploded in popularity over the last few years, commonly used for Android apps, server code, and scripting. We go over variables, operators, strings, if statements, for loops, and functions.

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āž¤ Kotlin docs: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/

Hi! Iā€™m Rahul, a software engineer with a passion for teaching. I went to Stanford, was a founding engineer at a startup, and have worked at various companies across Silicon Valley. Iā€™m currently an Android Developer and teach an Android class at Stanford. Would love to connect with you! This channel is about tech (especially Silicon Valley), combining tactical how-to guides with interviews.

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0:00 Introduction
2:00 variables
3:27 operators
4:09 strings
6:06 conditionals
7:14 collections
8:21 for loops
9:19 functions
10:33 nullability

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