How to ROOT ANY ANDROID PHONE (2019) No Computer | Root Android 9.0 Kingroot | Harrison Broadbent
This is a video showing you how you can root ANY Android phone using an app called Kingroot - you don't need a computer and it's the EASIEST method to root ANY Android phone under the sun, and in some cases is THE ONLY WAY to root an android phone.
This will show you how to root a device running android 9.0 and also below.
This is a ONE TOUCH method, and there is NO COMPUTER REQUIRED!
This method is tested as of 2017, but it should work looooong into the future ;)
Link to the Kingroot website, to download the Kingroot app to root your Android phone -
Root access can be so great to have, for apps that require it, such as amazing root-only theming apps, apps that remove bloatware and system apps, or even for adaway, and incredible ad blocker.
It will also let you do things such as tweak your kernel, which can improve your battery life by a ton!
With root access on your Android phone, you can even get an auto-tapper, for games like adventure capitalist or clicker heroes -
There are many ways to root Android phones, such as Samsung phones or tablets, but using this app called Kingroot, we can root any Android phone super easily, without any computers or laptops, and you only need to tap a few things.
Kingroot isn't exactly complex, but this Kingroot tutorial will help to guide you through the setup process, and the rooting process for Android phones.
Kingroot even has some built in software, to help root Samsung phones like the Samsung Galaxy s5, s6, s7, s8, and the wide range of Samsung tablets.
The KNOX Security software built into Samsung phones can sometimes interfere with Kingroot's rooting process, so it's a good idea to let Kingroot try and disable it.
Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll catch ya in the next video!
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