99 Views· 05/21/24· Gaming
Red Alert 2 | MadHQ's Remastered Campaing Missions | Soviets #2 - Hostile Shore
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Command and conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge is a real time strategy game. The game allows you to play as the Allies or the Soviets, And in the expansion version, the option to play with Yuri was added.
- Download links -
For download those remake campaign missions click here: http://zombapro.ppmsite.com/in....dex.php?page=Mission
To add the old RA2 playlist for Yuri's Revenge expansion, download the next rar file and extract it and replace the files into you'r RA2 folder: https://www.mediafire.com/file..../1g6d6mahkt2ec00/ra2
MadHQ has remastered the entire Red Alert 2 Allied campaign. Not recommended for use with mods, Out-of-Box fully patched Ra2 recommended. All missions were created with the aid of Westwood assets, Fa2, Google maps, and GE's map verification/check tool.
- Support -
PayPal donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=ZZE8RUY8L9V3E&item_name=Donate+to+zoom3000+channel¤cy_code=ILS&source=url
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/zoom3000
#redalert #commandandconquer #madhq
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7 months ago